Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sing Loud, Laugh Louder

Hi Maggie,

We are on tornado watch, with a possibility of a hail storm.  Isn't life exciting? 

It came to me years ago, knowing the Earth is feminine, that the women's movement and the environmental movement were coincidental for a reason - or not coincidental at all.  Both were recognizing and freeing the power of the feminine.  Society is terrified of that power.  That is why only the maiden is valued, which makes it both freeing (I am invisible) and painful (I am of no consequence) to be the crone.

I think that since we are of the Earth, our experiences mirror each other - the planet and the people.  We are going through the same pain.  So today, the Earth will seek balance by unleashing the power of the tornado, perhaps, or maybe she will shed frozen tears.  Rather than fear, I feel excited to be present at this cleansing, to be part of this cleansing.  I think our personal awakening is part of this process.  We have our own inner cyclones which rearrange parts of us, shred and compost parts of us.  The earth has been raped and victimized just as we have been.  Sometimes I go and lie on her and just feel the connection.  I am part of this.  I am healing this. I am being healed by this.  I am loving this.

We control the Earth, we control women.  I am shocked and a bit angry that anyone would try to silence you or expect specific womanly behaviors from you.  You are allowed to be silent if you want.  As a Quaker, I do understand that silence is uncomfortable for many.  But lead the way into silence!  And laughing loudly is joy.  F***  unwomanly.  The fun of being with you is that you are not afraid to sing at the top of your lungs!  My youngest's fondest memory of you is at Mamma Mia! the sing along version - singing your heart out, encouraging the girls - mine and yours - to sing, too.  If your husband isn't comfortable, it's his issue, and you are not responsible for his issue.  I say this as lovingly as possible.  I sing in the garden - loud enough for the neighbor's to hear.  I serenade the world.

I have never been with dolphins.  I would love to be in their presence, and maybe even interact.  But I would not like to visit dolphins in captivity.  I do not want to approve of the way we treat animals ( and women, and children...)

The rain has begun and there is thunder in the distance.  I love storms.  But I think I will finish and close this down so I don't risk losing my computer.

Have another wonderful day.  I love you!!


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