Monday, January 30, 2017

better than god

I can understand the exhaustion, although I think you have a lot more right to feel that way.  I am just going through my normal motions.  But I am so sleepy.  Everything feels like it takes so much effort.

I got all weepy talking to a manager today.  I didn't let go or emote in anyway, but the cool thing was that as soon as we were done talking, I grabbed my boots and coat and went out and walked.  It was instinctive, not preplanned.

I haven't walked much since I was so sick in October.

But something inside knows I need to get outside, to be outside.  And for some reason, I listened. I am pretty impressed with myself!

You sent me information about a course,  Training Your Inner Warrior.  Are you taking it? I actually got in under the wire for taking it for free.  I truly believe in the gifting society. I have been doing the reading and the little assignments she gives us each day.  At the same time I am reading a book by Christiane Northrup.  There is a beautiful synchronicity between the words of each. They are bolstering each other so well, and are backing each other in my mind.

I am thinking about the brain/the self simply being a history. Everything is stored as it happens, but it is all past.  I think that was from Robin Rice.  She is gently leading me to reconsider what self truly is.

Genethics needs to look at Bt corn, modified and thrust upon us by our dear and caring friends at Monsanto.  It has polluted 90% of the corn in this country. It has lost effectiveness.  And the Bt is in the wind-borne pollen, landing on all plants, being eaten by all larva.  How many butterflies do you see each summer and autumn. I saw one monarch this year.  They are the canary. All of our pollinators are dying.  And it can't be undone...This is the problem. We think of what we can do, but we don't have the God-vision to see far enough in the future to know if it is a good idea or not.

We should not do anything we can not undo.

The other thing I always think about is infant formula versus breastmilk and vitamin supplements versus whole foods. We don't have the intelligence to recreate nature. We sort of get close and call it sort of good and charge lots of money for the product. Then we find out, oh we missed something...guess what now it is good. To me this is an ethical question, too.

We can't get corn or vitamins right, and we want to try to make perfect babies.Someone is missing the point of all the experiments gone awry so far. Why do we have to outdo nature? Do we really think we are better than God?

Interesting topic,

Love and hugs from Clare

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