Saturday, September 10, 2016

You were thinking - It'sTime.

Hi Maggie,

I am troubled by your report of the visit of the  director of the group home.  You put the young man on the spot first?  Sort of pointing the finger at the problem, isn't it?  Then he was told not to blow this chance. It puts everything on him.  A well-to-do white family wants you, you lucky boy, now conform.  Do as you're told so you can be acceptable.  There is a whole level of classism which is peeking through around the edges.

I think you have the opportunity for great learning here.  Your young man also has opportunity for great learning. Neither one of you is more teacher than the other. 

I love the fact that your healer recognized this as a soul contract.  You two, plus your family, are working on some important karma.  And speaking from experience, do not turn your back on a soul contract.

But I think it is bigger than that.  It is societal, and you are doing your part. And it's hard...really hard work.

We know we are here at a time of great change.

I saw a video explaining the origins of the words cracker, white trash and redneck. All were used by the 1% to let the rest of us know we were/we are not them.  But at the same time, we were not quite black, thank God, or Indian, worse?  It was an effective move. We whites who are not the 1% are just better enough to value our standing. And we are aware!

Then we also have a layer of understanding that we have the caste system, created by God. Those born into the highest caste are simply there because they are favored by God...don't look behind the not think about suicide nets and Steve Jobs and Apple CEO's, and more important - investors. These people are favored by God. They have the right to use, to abuse, to exploit, to make money for themselves.

And the rest of us want to be just like them - favored. That's why a man like Donald Trump can get people to listen to him.  He has money, he must be favored by God. Ignore the fact that his family got rich, partially, on prostitution. Ignore the four bankruptcies - he really does not need to honor his word to the lower castes....those of us who are not favored.  But God must love him...

The more I think about it, the more it boils down to classism.  Male is more important than female. Lighter skin is more valuable than darker skin.  Rich are more valuable than poor, or even middle class.

And right now, we are at a time of change, when we have to look at this, take a stand, and do something.  I think we are in the midst of an enormous generational karma. And you and  your young man are just a microcosm of the big battle. But you have to get it right. You win your battle and the whole war is more winnable. 

I think many of us have it tough this time, because we have let the 1% destroy our innate humanity, and now we have to fight real hard to win ourselves back.  We have to drop their lens, and see the Earth as Gaia, as alive, as a source of life, not as a possession to be exploited for resources.

Water is a human right.  No one has the right to own it. But who is going to stand up to Nestles' billions???

So, what stuff did he lose?

I have a Friend who does trauma workshops, and part of the work is play therapy. I was thinking about it for your young man because you said he functions at age 5, sometimes, in some ways.

But her work might apply to the pilot course you are planning.  If you would like to be connected to her, I can do that...

If I had a car, I would attend. I think you are doing good work!

Who won?

Love and hugs from Clare

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