Monday, September 12, 2016



His 'stuff' is his electronics…
cell phone….
access to the gaming system.
He was trying to meet up with a former group home resident who was missing for 2 weeks, stole a car, and wanted to hang with my young man and get high. He lied about it and chose poorly time and time again- getting himself deeper and deeper into doo-doo.

I gave him back his tablet after one week but told him no internet/social media and he plugged it in as soon as I left the house and proceeded to connect. He did this several times through the week with others' lap tops- no permission and being banned from internet. The punishment grew first by a day with each infraction and then by a week to get his attention.  The tablet is his. The cell phone, internet, gaming system, and laptops are ours. He gets angry and says things that are inflated.

We found some common ground and peace last evening. He explained his views. I explained where I am. We compromised on things that can be compromised on. The other stuff was discussed and some resolution was gained. The house feels different.

I had never told him about his mom's presence during a reiki session right after she died. I told him yesterday. I also told him that she didn't understand kindness…
that was the message I came away with from the experience.
I also suggested that may be a worthy goal for him to pursue…
being kind to others…
create a legacy of kindness in honor of his mother.

Today is a better day.
I hope it lasts.
We've ridden one storm through.
Grant me the strength to ride out the rest.

I have to leave to teach.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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