Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Parable of the Hard Master

I read your letter, So who gets hurt?,
I wondered why you didn't put it into the present tense,
Who's still getting hurt?

Living truely isn't possible when you are protecting the secrets.
Living the illusion or empty shell is all that you can muster.

For some reason I have been thinking about the parable of the hard master who gives 3 servants money...
2 use the money to make additional money...they are praised and given more responsibility.
The third is afraid and buries the money...returning it as it was given to them...and that person is punished.
Isn't hiding parts of ourselves away and keeping secrets to remain safe much like the buried money? Out of fear, we (individually and collectively) have buried some of our treasure for safe keeping...
but that is incredible waste of potential...
we are our own 'hard master'...
we punish ourselves with guilt and shame and self-harming behaviors...

Who would we be if we had been raised in a healthy environment?
Can we still invest ourselves and reap the benefits of this lifetime?
Is it too late to find out?

I/we, are making a valiant attempt to live outside of the secrets, to allow ourselves to experience the pain, confusion and chaos that continues to surround us...even if we are geographically spread out up and down the east coast.

Radicalization...a commitment to radical change...
The final stage (healing) of the oppression psychology theory
-speaking/writing the secrets...dissecting them one by one to unleash their hold on my spirit
-treating others with respect, no matter what they look, speak or act like.
-calling people out when they are being disrespectful or intentionally hurting someone else
-educating others about the epidemic of domestic violence and sexual abuse and other exploitations of the human spirit
-admitting that I live with mental illness (still very hard to admit)
-not letting myself get sucked back into the 'comfort' of family support...which would require compliance and secrecy.
-finally realizing that I am enough...just as I am

Is there anything else that I could be doing to heal from all of this?
I am sure there are volumes written on how to heal...I am confident that I will recognize the next step...well, maybe after God hits me with that "two by four"
for now I am going to go out and play in my garden...
make peace with the least temporarily.

I love you...
I look forward to your next letter,

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