Friday, May 19, 2017

flexibility- body, mind, and spirit


It's been a long and busy week for me as well.

The puppy, Henry, is coming home on June 2. My oldest is adoption this brother, so she and her beloved are picking the two puppies up and bringing them home. I am very excited to have Henry here with us. My oldest visited the family who bred them and they let the puppies pick them...
they sat on the floor and waited to see who approached and engaged them. Henry is the largest, and he is reported to be a cuddly baby.

At the ceremony I was vacillating between being drawn into the whole honor of the military service and the insanity of military service. Why kill our best for the sake of the future? But, Papa D was a warrior all of his life. It is what he aspired to and identified with. So, for him that ceremony was an apex moment.
I did not like the firing of the guns.
I loved the playing of Taps.

I was frustrated with the 'tightly choreographed' schedule of the day. I was envious of B#3 and his wife- coming and going as they felt like it. I know that S#5 feels better when there is control...
but I resent being controlled...
my family was upset by her reaction to their wanting to walk across the bridge to the ceremony...
S#5 was frustrated...
I felt really uncomfortable with both reactions.
My SIL felt as if she should apologize.
It was too much.

We are gathering again this weekend for Yoga on the Steps...
it will be more relaxed...
but we do have a dinner reservation...
and then morning schedule to follow.
Remind me to be flexible...
in mind, body, and spirit.

the triangle...
I spoke at meeting about the 3 memorial services...
more importantly about the 3 beings who have passed.
I spoke of each one's tenacity, strength of character, survivorship...
2 things came to my mind...
Each one was a victim of war and interpersonal violence...
Each has equal measure of the Light- they simply manifested it differently.
Those were good beginning lessons. I wait for more insight.

I am traveling and yoga-ing until Sunday...
I will check in then.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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