Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Hi Maggie,

The first crocuses have opened.  The peepers are making themselves heard. I can relax. Spring is coming.  I feel so anxious every year.  And then it goes so fast.

I knew it was coming though. I want my rake!  Actually, I need a new one!

We celebrated my grandson's birthday on Saturday.  Because of the ongoing rain, it was at the bowling alley.  Lots of people.  Lots of noise.  I watched my grandson, and he is me.  Kind of at a loss in a crowd.  I wasn't sure how I felt about it...

I have a F/friend who was very involved with AVP.  She does a lot of work in Indonesia, with workshops which must include both Muslim and Christian participants.  She has seen a lot of trauma, and has developed a deeper understanding. As a result, she has started doing trauma workshops.Part of the work is learning to play. She is taking people back through the steps they missed by being raised in war.

I love it when brilliant minds work alike. It means they have landed on a truth.

I heard through the grapevine that family came for your daughter's performance. I heard that she was funny and professional.  That the play was quite good...I am glad we are developing new ways of communicating, of being relaxed and making new memories, of reaching out.  I have a feeling, as mean and disrespectful as it sounds, that this new ease is because Dad is among the ancestors.  He is working with us from the other side, and has dropped the veneer of mean and critical and controlling. And so we can relax and be ourselves.

We just have to make sure no one steps in to fill that void.  We need to let it fill up with laughter and togetherness.

My oldest sent me an hour long video of a prof exploring the fact that addictions are normal, expected in today's culture.  I am really curious about where his talk will go. If it is good I will send it to you...

And, I don't usually talk about my kids here, because it is supposed to be about me. But one of mine was becoming bored at her job. There was nowhere to move up. Her boss refused to give her a raise, even though people in her position in other offices make $2 - $3 more an hour.  So she decided she was going to look for something with more potential. She discussed it with her immediate supervisor, promising not to leave until after her supervisor had her vacation in July.

I was extremely proud of her for being so upfront and honest.  Especially since this is an all women business which prides itself on teamwork.

Basically, the owner stressed out, freaked out  and decided to let my daughter go now. Her supervisor, who knows how much my kid does, pleaded, and got 'til the end of the month, so they can hire and train someone.

My kid is feeling so betrayed.  I am afraid that she is learning to hide and lie. That everything in the professional world is a poker game. Bluff and win. I am afraid that all the feminine leadership, cooperation, team-building is a sham.

But, as I am reminding my daughter, this is a time to test faith.  She has been in worse places, and allways landed on her feet, and in a better place.

We seem to be in a time of great changes.  For everyone. I can feel it around me. I'm not sure if I am excited or frightened...a bit of both, I think.

Sending love and hugs,


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