Thursday, December 22, 2016

unsettled today


Only a few more days of preparation. I am pretty much ready. Presents are, for the most part, here. They are wrapped. This is a dangerous time for me, I forget what I've bought. I begin to panic and buy another present to make sure it's even in my head. Then on Christmas morning I realize I've overdone it...again.

I am staying at 25 hours per week for work for at least half of January...
until we see if there's an additional project for me to take on. If this doesn't come through I am not sure I will be able to go full time. I will be piecing together 2-3 jobs to make a full schedule....
of course that means no benefits...
a lack of stability once again.
I'm not sure how I end up...
job after job...
in this same predicament.
part-time- poor pay- no benefits- but they LOVE me and my work type jobs.
I'm sure that job satisfaction is important...
it really is...
but if employers really value an employee they reward them with additional hours/benefits...
I get nothing...
not even a Christmas bonus.

Did I ever tell you that story? My first job after my residency I was working at a family practice office. We had a Christmas party at a local restaurant. As we were finishing dinner and talking I got up to use the ladies' room and when I came back there was an awkward feel at the table. My boss had distributed bonus checks to all of the staff- but told them not to tell me because I was not getting one. I was a professional, not staff, and so he didn't feel he needed to offer me a bonus...
story of my life (professional).

Daughter #2 and I went shopping together yesterday. She is so nice to hang out with. She is very calm and easy going- most of the time. Her boyfriend came up and we went to dinner. What a great day.

I'm making pumpkin and banana breads today...small loaves for the neighbors and larger loaves for our Christmas dinner. I braved the grocery store today to buy ingredients for Christmas dinner. Cornish hens, quick, onion soup, rice pilaf, roasted root vegetables, apple crisp and ice cream.
Of course sweet rolls for breakfast...

I hope your short days are filled with love.
Love and Light beautiful sister,


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