Friday, December 30, 2016

let it flow

Hi Maggie,

I really want to know exactly what kind of caroling you are doing!  Details, please!

I am so glad you are still spending time with your boy.  It is so important for both of you.

I had a silent meeting, a meeting for discernment last night. We need to do it again.

But last night I got a sense of what Friends have done in the past, giving me a glimmer of what we can do in the future.  I was thinking about the way Friends exposed and changed the way the mentally ill were treated, slavery and the Underground Railroad, and womens' rights. I know the women's rights movement was inspired by women from near Lake Ontario brushing community with the Haudenosaunee women, who had equal rights. It let women know it was possible.

I thought about where the Light is working right now. It seems it is with the healers and with the water protectors. Then I realized the ice is melting. It seemed pertinent.

And we need to be led by the indigenous.  They know more than we do.

What came to me is that this planet, life here, it is ruled by flow.  Everything is supposed to flow, and then it is healthy.  Where there is a plug, ill health - lack of rights, degradation of the Earth, etc. - occur.  Friends pulled the plug, allowed the Light to shine into the dark, and allowed at least a trickle of flow to reestablish itself.

There are so many plugs.  How do we pull them?

There are plugs in me. I thought I was getting stronger and healthier, but I have fallen back into my sugar addiction again, and I feel like shit. I know the problem, but addiction is so much stronger than wisdom right now.

Where is the plug in me? I have to sit with it.  I am currently reading Christiane Northrup.  It is the right book for me to be reading right now. I know she is leading me to an answer.

In the meantime, though...I am not enjoying the way I feel...

Hope all is well with you. What will you do for New Years?

Love and hugs from Clare

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