Monday, December 26, 2016

Looks like we made it...

Hi Maggie,

We survived yet one more Christmas. Only 364 days until we have to do it again...

Christmas seemed quiet, almost pensive, this year.  I am not sure why.  I didn't feel the same lingering connection as I did last year.  It was almost as if we were going through the motions, or as if we were doing what we had to do.  But I never felt much breakthrough to real Christmas joy.

I talked to Mom and she said Dad pretty much stayed in bed all day. He is very tired.  That makes me wonder how much time is left...

I am thinking forward to the next year, thinking resolutions, maybe.  What do I want to   change? What do I have to change?  Quakerwise, I am trying to understand what I am being called to do.  Personally, I am wondering what I want to be different...or am I ready to just float forward?

After I married, my ex used to keep soda in the house.  For the first time in my life I started drinking it daily.  I don't even like I made a resolution - no soda.  I think I kept that one for years and years.  Now I drink soda once or twice a year.  I really don't like it.

So what I noticed is that if I make a resolution to lose weight, I don't follow through. But of I make a resolution not to drink soda - that I can do.

So be specific...

One resolution is that I think I want to completely clean the kitchen every night before bed.  That is not always easy because we don't always eat meals.  We just sort of graze separately, and odds and ends build up on the counters.  Then I have a mess that makes everything seem messy.  So even if it's just a few things - every night, clean the counters.  It makes the next day easier to start.

I also want to get my eating habits adjusted.  I think I need to go sugar free again - for years and years would be nice.  And I am going to try grain free, and I think even dairy free for awhile.

Is that too much?  Because I also need to develop habits for walking and doing, maybe, tai chi and/or yoga.  Once I have the habit, I am good.  But when I have a practice that is sporadic, I get lost in the time of my day...

I just hope 2017 is a better year than 2016.  But with the 1% being put in charge of the cabinet, I have serious doubts...

How was your Christmas??

Sending love and hugs,


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