Saturday, August 29, 2015

It takes a crisis...


I like your reminiscing…
it's thoughtful and genuine.

I had the privilege of two days (a day and a half really) with my oldest…
we traveled to Long Island and set up her new apartment…
walked and talked…
went to her university orientation…
and came home.
It is bittersweet.
She is really moving into a new chapter of her life.
She will be less able to get home…
she will probably have 2 jobs and her classes…
she will also be visiting her boyfriend in Philadelphia on weekends…
so I'll have to prepare myself to not see much of her.
She's matured into such a beautiful and confident woman…
I am amazed at her fortitude and courage.
I'm blessed that she is my daughter.

Daughter#2 got a job last week…
she has been stressing over getting a job to supplement her apprenticeship…
and she was hired last Friday as a hostess at an upscale restaurant near her new home.
I hope to see her more often than the older daughter…
but, no certainty in that either.
She is constantly doing something…
and now she'll have ties to 2 theaters…
so even more.

I do think that disease is a symptom of spiritual pain or lack of integration.
Every week I tell at least one person that their addiction (or a loved ones' addiction) is a symptom of something deeper…
the addiction will most likely fade once the deeper work is accomplished.
Integration quiets the urges.
The challenge lies in their opening to do the deeper work…
that takes real courage and perseverance.
Most of us are frightened and habitual…
not motivated to take on the hero's journey.
I often use the Wizard of Oz as an example…
most of us need a tornado to push us onto the hero's journey path…
Not many wake up one morning and decide to take that one on.
Most of us just want status quo…
which is a lie…
change happens with every breath…
we just believe it's the same…
until something momentous occurs.
It takes a crisis to move us.

In one of my presentations I talk about "crisis"…
the greek origin of crisis means "to sift"…
crises are opportunities for us to sift through our stuff…
choices, belongings, relationships, values, priorities…
and let go of what is not serving us and our goals.
So with each crisis comes opportunity.

Love and Light for now beautiful sister,

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