Saturday, August 2, 2014

balancing pyramids

I'm glad that everything worked out with S#3's visit. Was she able to find a car for her son?

I hope that his being a part of your household isn't making you feel as if you need to be so controlling. Have you stopped to wonder what effect bringing a man into your household has had? He isn't a child that you can control, and yet he is living as a guest in your house. It's a precarious position.

I had not known that about the Mennonites- I will look into it. We travel on Monday to look at the other school. I just wrote a letter to my older son explaining the younger's desire to move to a private school, a boarding school. He is just coming to the awakening that he has hurt his brother deeply- I was torn about telling him. On one hand he should know the truth but I don't want him to link it to his actions and carry guilt. So, I erred on the side of truth and full disclosure.

We took a 6 mile walk today (husband and I) as part of our "homework". It was great, we got all talked out after about 5 miles and were able to just walk in silence for the final mile- that's the best part of walking for me- silence. Or at least, my brain being quiet.

I like the idea of us perched upon our parents' pyramid, and them on theirs' and so forth. It really does show how important that ancestral foundation is. But, the challenge in that is to fortify our own sense of self, so that we strengthen our own base- despite what's been given to us over the generations.

Tonight we are seeing Godspell. Daughter #2 is stage managing this production so we can see her and the fruits of her labor. She them goes into rehearsal for a play that she has the lead female role in. She is busy, but that keeps her happy. She was offered a work-study job as  the assistant to the theater dept. director- so that will occupy a lot of her time when the semester ends. Both girls are starting their final years of college this month. It's so hard to believe.

Love and Light,
Until tomorrow,

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