Wednesday, March 8, 2017



It's a beautiful day...
but warm.
I like days like this one.

I know it's not my business...
but I am concerned with S#3 living together with both her children and their families. She is stressed. She is tired. She doesn't delegate. She doesn't say no. This housing arrangement puts her right in the middle of all of that responsibility. I don't see her interact with her son...
and like you said her daughter is generally quiet around me.
I do see S#3 stepping up...
time after time...
shouldering responsibility...
in spite of her own fatigue.
I worry about her health.
I worry about her financial health...
she doesn't ask for financial help from her kids and her daughter doesn't offer.
She won't have money for the future... and on and on...
my worries continue.

I think about what I think she needs...
and then tell myself it isn't my choice.
But help her to think it through.
Once she makes this investment she won't have the means to move...
this is a big move.

Anyway, I love her and want the best for her.

My cat has a mammary tumor...
85% chance it will be cancer.
Who else has cats with breast cancer?
I picked her up to put her into the carrier for a check up at the vet and felt a mass. She has crappy skin, so I thought it was related to that. I old the vet and she examined her. It is under and around one of her nipples. So, Tuesday it will be excised. If it is less than an inch, her chances of survival are good. Over an inch, or any metastasis and she will probably have a few months. I have to wait and see. She is a good cat...
this is the one that survived a fire at the SPCA...
and then we adopted her.
She is husband's 'girlfriend'...
she prefers his lap to all others.

My youngest is driving me crazy...
he's grounded once again...
and his strategy is to make us miserable while he's stuck at home.
I am ready to be an empty-nester.
I love him, but he's so ready to leave it is uncomfortable.
He turns 18 in April...
I think the last month of school is going to be wicked.

My oldest turns 25 on Saturday...
that is hard to believe. We are going to the city to celebrate her birthday. Do you remember when you and your family took me to Chinatown for dinner while I was cramming for finals? Your oldest putting her hand into the orange juice to retrieve her drink umbrella and juice spilling over the top? Your son hiding under the table and frightening the waiter by grabbing his ankle when he was at the table side? That was fun. Thanks.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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