Friday, March 17, 2017

crazy dream...

Hi Maggie,

I had a crazy dream, and I need some hints to help me think about what it means.

As a prelude- when we lived on the farm, and after my ex left, I invited two different friends who were going through divorces to move in at two different times. One had kids with her. She was in last night's dream.

The first thing I remember was that I was in my bed, sleeping.My younger cat was with me. It seemed lucid.  But then a wild animal came up over the side of the bed, from between the bed and the wall.  I thought it was a fox, but it was too stout. I could not figure out what it was. It attacked my face. Somehow I got away, it was gone...something.

And my friend and her daughter were there.  The daughter told me her dad just died. (He was a very abusive man.)  And somehow I knew the wild animal was her dead dad.  Her mom came in and I went to comfort her.  She is happily remarried, and so I was checking in, asking her if she was okay.  She said she didn't want to hate him. Her kids were part him.

We were sitting side by side on a couch, facing each other with our foreheads touching.  I reminded her that her kids had only the best of him.

I got up to go to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and saw my nose was swollen to three or four times its normal size and it was very purple, and my left eye was black along the outer rim.

I was so shocked.  I woke myself up...Trying to understand what it means.


Love and hugs from Clare

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