Monday, August 6, 2012

The Art of Ache

Dear Clare,
I was hoping to log in and see a post from you...maybe tomorrow.

So, to continue onto the next Art...
the Art of Ache...(Rob Bell)
it's the angst in the lyrics I wrote,
Like an orphan standing all alone, there has always been a loneliness.
Some thing's missing, Oh there's something wrong
Left with a certain sense of helplessness

It's the deep bass of good blues that triggers a visceral reaction at your soul level.
It's knowing, deeply at your core that things are not right.
It's a driving force to change...
because eventually, the constant, nagging ache is worse than the temporary pain or discomfort experienced by acknowledging and speaking your truth.

But, we humans have outsmarted the ache...
we have concocted chemicals and activities to dull the ache...
keep it at that it is only a very distant experience.
We medicate, legally or illegally...
we eat, and eat and eat until we become obese...
we look for the next great love(er) of our life to take care of us and make it all better...
we cut ourselves, starve ourselves, binge and purge ourselves...
we allow ourselves to get caught up in reality TV to ignore...
we abuse ourselves and others...
we become inebriated...
to repress and depress those areas of the brain that are calling us to remember...

Re    Member...
to call those lost, repressed pieces of our memory, of our soul back into communion with the whole. It is a call to reconnect, not only to our past, but to create integrity in the present.
To create wholeness...Shalom.

Rumi wrote, many years ago...
Yesterday at dawn,my friend said, "How long will this unconsciousness go on? You fill yourself with the sharp pain of love rather than its fulfillment."

I said, "But, I can't get to you! You are the whole dark night and I am a single candle. My life is upside down because of you!"

The friend replied, "I am your deepest being. Quit talking about wanting me!"

I said, "Then what is this restlessness?"

The friend: "Does a drop stay still in the ocean? Move with the entirety, and with the tiniest particular.
Be the moisture in an oyster that helps to form one pearl."

The ache is a calling, it is your Heart's Voice inviting you to remember...
to become whole...
to become Wynn Helig.


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