Friday, August 3, 2012


You are the second person who told me to see Paris' bridges from the underside. The other person told me that there are scuptures and images on the underside...hidden in plain sight. I think that I will take your suggestion and cruise on the Seine.
Bon Voyage to you...and me.

A few years ago I wrote;

Prayer for the Sculptor
They say that God will mold our hearts, and I believe it is true.
But I believe the choices I make, select the tools he’ll use.

If I choose love my heart grows soft, like clay in a sculptor’s hands.
Gently caressed towards perfection, according to his plan.

 If hate is mine my heart’s replaced, by stone, so dark and cruel.
Hammers and chisels carve out the form, to expose reluctant truth

With this in mind, I lift my voice.
Dear God hear my plea.
Oh grant me the grace,
Create your image in me.

Yesterday I was reading a passage about sculpture it said,"Michelangelo said that his David was in the stone clamoring to be freed." ..."Sculptors shape and form and rearrange, but at the most basic level they take away. And there is an extraordinary, beautiful art to knowing what to take away."
Rob Bell

By tackling the family legacy of abuse and addiciton we are sculpting our journey, by taking away the silence, the stigma, the secrets, the self judgement we are removing the excess, allowing our authentic selves to be released.
So all of these years of searching for strength and recognition from external sources brings me back to one simple phrase from one of my favorite childhood movies, "There's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home." Everything I need is already within me, all I have to do is access it. And Toto (my everything) is worth not only protecting, but encouraged to grow and live.
I believe that I am more authentic now than I have ever been...and still there is much work to do.
There are still stories and differing perspectives to be heard, still issues to examine and gain perspective on, still reconnection to craft.

So we are works in progress, growing more visible, vulnerable, stronger, even more beautiful each day...but it was all there, inside of us, before we ever began this work of sharing and connecting. I pray that others will allow the work to be done through them as well.

This is not a journey undertaken soley by our family. We were not unique, unfortunately. This is a journey that is traveled or ignored by many. One of my professors, who also works for hospice said several times that people deal with their baggage...they have to at some point. The ones that refuse to acknowledge and process their experiences during life have the most difficulty letting go when it is time to die. They struggle.
So I hope this blog helps someone to understand the vital importance of facing these giants head on...being David in the face of Goliath...and realizing that we have power beyond imagination to triumph.
It is equally important to reach out to empathetic others and connect...It is time for Me Too

Love and blessings,
safe travels,
P.S. don't forget the Wynn of Wynn Helig!

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