Saturday, December 29, 2012

Slip Sliding Away

It feels like I am backsliding, losing ground.  It feels like I am on a slippery slope and there is nothing to hold onto and no one notices or cares anyway.  (Aren't I being pathetic?)    I feel like I could lose control and disappear completely.  This is when I start to feel suicidal - not that I have been serious for years and years.  But I start to wonder if anyone would notice if I was simply gone.  I wonder if I matter to anyone. 

I know the answer is yes, but I can't find that yes in myself - not anywhere.

I am sliding out of my green chakra, out of my heart and back into yellow - and the battle for control.  And I can feel my broken heart.  Is it because it is Christmastime?  I guess we'll see next year - if I repeat the pattern.

I read all of your insight about changed physiology due to abuse.  I logically understood it.  But reading it again today, while experiencing the effects made it more real than ever before.  I thank you for reminding me.

So if I am cycling, coming back to the same issue at a different frequency - what is different?  One thing that is different is that there is a reporter me sitting back, observing, taking notes, feeling what is happening. That part is detached, yet it is me.  That self is observing me eating while not hungry - yet noting the emptiness.  I can hear the voice,   " are walking to the refrigerator, but you are not hungry.  You don't feel good, but you are going to eat that anyway..."  Interestingly, there is no self-loathing in the words. That is definitely different...

I don't know what I am hiding from, though...If I could identify it and face it and accept it...then...what...I would be different I guess...

I lost a decent amount of weight this summer.  It is coming back, and I know exactly where it is.  That body awareness is new.  I found myself patting my rounded belly saying,  "Thank you for protecting me from the pain."  Again, it was like a separate self.  The belly does not feel like part of me.

I think my resolution is going to be gluten free eating at least for a little while.  Wheat is to me as chocolate is to you.  But I have also begun to identify sugar as a toxin.  I can feel the poison in my body when I eat it.  I think when I get started on chocolate, it is actually the sugar that won't let me go.

So how do I listen to a different part of my body - that more ancient part that wants to shine?  How do I find myself under all the slime and all the pain?

I know that binging is slow-motion suicide.  I have wondered, twice, if I would wake up in the morning...this is not a good place to be...

But I will pull out of it.  I always do.  Then we'll see what I have learned.

And I know the inner duel between wanting to shine and knowing we have something to say versus being afraid to succeed and have everyone/anyone notice. After all, just who do you think you are?

Trying to notice.  Trying not to be negative.  How am I doing??



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