Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Just to clarify the points that you asked...
I remember clearly that it was B#2 who was tormenting me...
I was sitting on the steps inside the house...
about half way up...just screaming.
I can't remember what it was about, but I remember him taunting me...

By the time we were left home alone during the summers...
I was 15...
and the brothers were extremely protective of me...
told their friends to leave me alone...
it was a weird twist to my story.

As to the objectification of women...and the pregnancy topic...
I believe that women do instinctually tend to their young and nurture them...
the confusion for me is why do we sabotage our dreams and aspirations by allowing ourselves to get pregnant? I am not saying that young pregnancies are consciously planned, but many are unconsciously planned and timed to interfere with the commencement of our journey...
we allow ourselves to be sidetracked...and sometimes derailed by the promises of a man...
to take care of us...protect us...give us everything we want and need in life...
Why can't we see that we have everything we need inside our self?
Why can't we trust in the abundance of our own gifts?
That would pave the road to interdependence rather than dependence for a lifetime.

I wanted to tell you about Sheldrake's morphogenesis and Darwin's evolution and how that fits into my ramblings...
So Darwin said that those species who can adapt to stress in the environment are the ones that will most successfully survive...pretty basic...most people agree with the concept (except conservative Christians) and that fits into my evolutionary behavioral ideas.
Sheldrake is a biologist who agrees with evolution driven by adaptation...but he believes that each species has a unique resonance (energy vibration) and from the beginning of life the organism tunes into that frequency which shapes the morphogenesis, development of the body structures. The energy also carries with it the collective wisdom of the ancestors...or collective consciousness. He theorizes that experiential learning by one animal (organism) can be transmitted to the collective consciousness and can be learned much easier by the other organisms within the same species. For example rats have been taught to open a food door after repeated trials in the US and similar experiments have shown that rats at distant sites will learn the same lesson with less trials. So abused people learn to isolate and protect themselves more quickly with each passing generation.

So does that make sense? So what if humans alter their receiving frequency and by shutting down their signal receptors after abuse? What if the genetic alterations following abuse change the membrane proteins that receive signals? What if they could be reprogrammed to resonate at the optimal frequency again...like tuning a piano or a guitar? It is so cool!
I will check in tomorrow.

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