Tuesday, October 30, 2012

the power of the feminine

I love a good storm...
to be stranded and have my awareness of nature raised...
to appreciate the pure power of nature...
especially the wind that, though invisible, moves heavy objects.
On Saturday, at the barn, a friend commented, "I wonder who pissed Mother Nature off this bad?"
We laughed and blamed it on the nasty politics so prevalent this close to elections...
but the truth of the matter is that we are all responsible for the changing climate...and the disrespect of Mother Nature...exploiting and manipulating the gifts shared with us...
we are thankfully dry, safe and only have tree limbs to clean up.

I, too, have curled up with a book through this storm...
The Tao of Equus by Linda Kohanov...
it is very powerful and has given me insights.
You seem to gravitate to dogs...
I love my dogs...but have always been drawn to horses.
I have had the pleasure of owning 6 horses in my life...
all had different gifts to give me...all very different in personality...
My purpose of owning our first horse was to allow daughter#1 to "show" a beautiful, talented horse and win alot of ribbons...needless to say that was a disaster.

With each of the other 5 I welcomed them into my herd because they needed me, as much as I needed them...Each was being "disposed" of because they were no longer of value or use to their owners...
I learned with our first horse that, while I own the rights and responsibilities to a horse, it is impossible to own them.
My horses have been abused and neglected in many different ways...
they all come with memories and the issues that abuse carries with it.
It took me a long time to realize that I collected these horses because I needed them for my own healing.
Horses are prey animals...they are alert, intelligent, intuitive and need companions...
they carry feminine characteristics...
they are much like women...
when they are treated as stupid and insignificant they act stupid and insignificant...
but, deep down they never forget their birthright...
and given the opportunity their innate wisdom and powers will resurface.
Given the opportunity they reflect human emotions and conflicts back to us...if we let them.

Abuse doesn't take away our humanity...
it means to...it trys to...it wants to...
but it does not have the power to do that...
unless we stop trying to remember who we really are.
Abuse sends our truest self...that innocent, trusting self...into hiding.
It cannot destroy...only frighten into silence...temporarily.

The book talks about being congruent with your emotions...
horses know when we are acting one way yet feeling another...
they react to the deep, not the shallow...
so when I am with a horse who is misbehaving (unless there is a predator close by) they are reacting to me. It is pointless to be frustrated with the horse...I must turn the attention back to myself and find out what is causing this.
I can own my true feelings of anger or frustration with life...
as long as I am acting in a way that is connected with the emotions...
then the horse settles.

The books says, talking about women with a history of abuse;
As little girls, they learned to be happy, helpful, brave and polite when they really felt sad, frightened, rebellious, and angry. No one ever taught them how to manage or learn from those "bad feelings". As a result, later they found that they could not rely on their own internal warning system to avoid ...

What should we be avoiding because of this "grooming"? What are we avoiding to ensure that we don't remember who we really are?
Re-member...we need to bring all of the aspects of who we are back into one, perfect self...
we have separated out our deepest self to protect her...
now it is time to bring her back into the self and recreate wholeness.

The wondering about light and darkness that you were doing in the previous post made me think of dualisms...
Light cannot exist without darkness...
do you remember when we posted about the darkness of outer space...
Light is present there, but only visible when there is an object to reflect it back to our eyes.
Somehow darkness is not the absence of light...
only one form of Light- unreflected Light.

I am going to keep reading...and later drop in to see how the horses fared in the storm...
Love and Light,

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