Sunday, August 28, 2016

I'm back!

Hello Sister,

I am back! I got back yesterday afternoon. My granddaughter told her mother that she had to spend the night with me, because I had missed her too much.  This morning she woke up talking, which is normal.  She was saying, "We waited and we waited for you to come back home..."

I was going to write last night, but I was falling asleep sitting up. I was so tired.  Then the little one started talking at 5:15 am.  She assured me that she did not need to go back to sleep...

So much to think about, so much to share, but none of it is straight in my mind.  It will probably all trickle out in the next  few weeks.

Let's see, on the ride out, my first seat mate was a dwarf Amish man.   It seemed surreal! Then there was the big, black stoic cowboy who did yo-yo tricks.  My last seat mate was a transgender male who was into herbs and healing. He had lots of similar interests to mine.  It felt like a spiritual connection, even if just for a moment.  He needs to write a book about his experiences, but has trouble getting past the pain.  I felt like I was channeling spirit when I told him he needed to write the book, and write it soon. There are too many young people who needed to share his experiences.  I told him that he had to walk through the fear, and write.

I told him I expected a signed copy of the book...

When I got out to my son's home, my daughter-in-law had a book for me. It is called It Didn't Begin With You.  The author explores the way ancestors and family members genetically and, almost psychically - maybe, inject us with their stuff.

There are a lot of written exercises, which I am in the midst of doing.  One I am done, I would like to share the book with you, with some of my kids, with a friend. The writing coming out of me was eye-opening.For instance, fear of being invisible warring with wanting to be invisible.

The book says we must make peace with our parents. In trying to imagine hugging Dad, I found myself recoiling, possibly in fear.  That was new...

I'll keep you posted!!

It sounds good, believe it or not, that your young man is willing to fight with you.  It means he trusts you. Maybe he will want to change schools, but he has had so many changes, I understand not wanting to.  It is hard to be the new kid.

It is back to work for me tomorrow.  I am trying to get my stuff together, and to reorient myself and be here.

I'll be back regularly.  I missed you, too.  It was very frustrating not being able to make my tablet connect to this sight. Then my son's computer refused to recognize me and to let me into this page.


Love and hugs from Clare

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