Sunday, August 28, 2016

I miss you


I am anxious for you to return. I just keep wallowing in my own shit right now.
School starts tomorrow.
My young man adamantly states "I cannot wait for school to start"…
he's trapped here…
in his mind.
He has 2 friends that he has consistently invited to come over and neither has come once…
they always have an excuse.
I've tried to pint out to him that they may not be a toed to him as he feels to them. If he goes into the next town they will shoot baskets with him…
but they never invite him to hang out and they do not accept his invitations.
They don't respond to his social media posts…
it's silence from the other end.
It is heartbreaking to watch him come to the realization…
but it opens possibilities of making new friends who care about him.

He is taking his frustration out on me…
probably because I am the one who sees it and is brave enough to talk with him about it.
I just hate being on the receiving end of other's garbage.

My youngest starts on Tuesday. He is looking forward to school for social reasons also, but he has near constant contact with his friends through the summer. He has a car and football practice since June.
They had their first football game on Friday. They lost 33 - 0. It was 0 - 0 up until 2 minutes left in the first half. The other team got a breakaway runner and scored a touchdown…and then they did it again. Our team pretty much gave up after the second half began. My youngest gained more than half of the offensive yards in the game…
he is a bull.
It's fun to watch him run…
but I worry about injuries…
and it was 90 degrees at game time.
Oh well every Friday evening will be football for the next 2.5 months.

The kitten is doing pretty well. It amazes me how strong she's grown in one week. She is climbing furniture, eating soft food, refusing her bottles, she learned to drink from a dish today…
it's such a rapid change.
She's got quite a personality. She really wants to cuddle our dog, but the dog isn't interested in her unless she gets food on her fur…
the the dog will lick her clean.
What a household.

A man in meeting today spoke about animals not acting out of reason…
he mused that spirit doesn't work from reason either.
It was an interesting concept…
no second guessing…
no worrying about consequences…
just moving towards what opens…
I have to hold that for a while.

I have my second class tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to it. I love teaching…
and the new challenge of a psych course…
it offers me new ways to deliver the messages.

I miss you…
I hope you are traveling well.
It sounds like Papa Delana is recovering well. He will probably be discharged tomorrow. I hope he doesn't try to do too much at first. I equally hope that his spirits raise with this surgery…
I am worried about depression in him.
He has definite flavors of bi-polar…
depression is just part of the cycle.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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