Wednesday, August 17, 2016

changing schedules


How are you sister? I hope that you are having a good visit with your son's family. I had a day of running…
but I was alone most of the day…
I needed solitude.
I had a dentist appointment, a haircut, responsibility for enough meatballs for 50 hungry football players, print materials for a meeting tomorrow, trip to the university for HR paperwork, pick up son from football, meet with financial advisor, paperwork for school, now watching the Olympics.

It wasn't quiet…
but it is good to be alone.

I am struggling with the end of summer. The boys are both looking forward to seeing their friends. I hope they both focus on doing the work. I need their time to be more fully structured…
less boredom and down time…
less crappy choices during that down time.

I really hope we get into a better rhythm once they are back to school.
It is my youngest's last "first day of school".
I'm going to try to find the picture from his first…
that would be a great comparison.

All of my kids are getting ready for the beginning of their school years…
it's weird that we will have 5 in school at the same time…
5 tuitions to pay as well.
It's always something.

I want to find time for me once this all transitions. I am not sure where that time will be found though. I will have to wake up at 5:30 to get everything done before I have to leave. I want to be able to walk every day. I will have to budget time differently. My challenge will be doing more, but finding peace and quiet within the day also.
I need to find my deeper self again.
I am doing another interview on the local TV station about being Quaker next week I need to meditate on that before I speak to the hosts.

I've got to run and pick up my young man.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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