Monday, September 2, 2013

There is a comfort in the strength of love...

Hi Clare,

I spent my weekend trying to just float from one activity to the next...not making plans or trying to maintain a schedule. I am not sure that it was entirely comfortable. 
I prefer knowing what is coming next...
but maybe that's my challenge...
letting go of that uncertainty...
just being here, now.

“There is a comfort in the strength of love; 'Twill make a thing endurable, which else would overset the brain, or break the heart.” 
― William Wordsworth

A Friend shared this quote yesterday at Meeting. 
He spoke of many things but I stayed with the quote and not his comments. 
I have been hearing it over and over today in my mind. 
This is the basis of resiliency. 
The strength of love can make anything bearable...
and yet the absence of love can be so detrimental...
capable of breaking the mind and heart. 

The words written long ago still describe the essence of child abuse, incest, rape or domestic violence. In the presence of love and support a person can withstand much hardship and abuse...and find their inner resilience or strength to cope. 

But for the person whose parent or lover creates the hardship or perpetrates the abuse the results can be devastating. It depends upon the relationship. Even in the face of assault or abuse by a stranger, if we have a solid, loving foundation...unconditional love...we can withstand it and heal. Without that support and love we lose a part of our self, hidden away so that we don't face it...sometimes to the point of losing touch with our own self.

We can't regain our wholeness until we have dealt with the pain...
hopefully within a loving relationship at a later time. One that will comfort, support and nurture trust in us. But, then again, once we have been so deeply hurt we often do not allow ourselves to join into a loving, supportive relationship. 
We prefer to keep everyone at a distance...buffering their influence upon our lives. It is easier that way. In truth though, we have to open ourselves to another in order to heal and find that comfort. It is the most terrifying and yet beneficial action that we can do for ourselves. It is the vulnerability that we have talked about many times. 

So, to surrender to love, the one thing that can heal, takes immense courage. The courage that you may be hurt once again...but with the hope that you may also re-integrate your soul and psyche and find healing. 

I've come to this same point several times within the span of this Blog...
and I always acknowledge the truth...and then back away from it. 
I am still keeping love a safe distance from myself. 
I am comfortable and afraid to move closer...
but it is inevitable and necessary...
so I need to surrender to this. 
I need to embrace and cherish what I have in my life and heal fully.

I will hold this intention and see where it takes me.

Love and Light,

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