Sunday, June 11, 2017

settling into a new norm


I am physically tired...
the good tired that comes from physical exertion. A group, in a small coal town nearby, built a community garden today. Of course I helped to build it. I was there from 8 - 2:30 physically building the raised beds. Thanks to your youngest son's suggestion, we used concrete block. This made the actual construction quite easy. We laid out 280 blocks into 14 beds. I thought that was hard. Then we had 13 cubic yards of topsoil delivered. Each bed took about 5 wheel barrows full of soil...and a few buckets. That was tough. We only had one wheelbarrow...and by the end only my youngest son, another woman, and I were still working. The other woman looked at me when we were nearly done and said,"We ran out of energy about and hour ago. Didn't we?". It's funny that she and I, the Moms, knew we just had to push through and finish this thing. The others were talking about coming back tomorrow, but she and I knew the pile of topsoil had to be put into the beds- or it would still be on the parking area 3 weeks from now.
It was gratifying to see it finished.
In 2 weeks the Conservation Corps is coming to put up a fence.
Then Phase 1 of the Community Garden will be complete.
I still have to secure funding for the second phase and fencing.
That will begin in July.

I am tired from the puppy...
he is either fully on or fully off...
harassing everything that moves- desperately trying to play...
or sound asleep.
We have been up at 5 every day this week. But at least he sleeps through the night until then. He rally is a wonderful dog. I forget how time consuming it is to house train a dog. He loves to play outside, and we have been doing a lot of work in the yard and gardens. He doesn't have to think about relieving himself. But, when we come back inside he frequently pees almost immediately. I've got to figure this one out. It is a labor of love.
I've had to exchange my morning meditation and journaling for walking meditation with Henry. It helps to tire him out before I go to work. Luckily my youngest is home until 11 (he usually works 11 - 5) and so he isn't alone for very long.
My older dog is having trouble with the puppy. She cannot seem to relax. He sniffs her and follows her everywhere...
occasionally he tries to bite her tail or backside to play...
she snarls and snaps at him.
She hasn't connected yet...
but she is trying to teach him boundaries.

So we are settling into a new norm. I am going to full time next month. Greg has more time off with the merger of the hospitals. My youngest is finished with the dreaded school...and soon off to a new chapter in his life. Henry is with us and we are all adjusting to his needs. Everything has to adapt and is the way of the world and life. Those who evolve live the best- survive and thrive in this world.

How was the double birthday?
I hope you all celebrated together and made some memories.
I see that S#3 and her daughter came up to visit. That is great.

I hope that you have a wonderful day.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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