Wednesday, June 7, 2017

opposite but equal


Reading that shame is soft sounds wrong to me...
Pride is hard resonates better.
I think if I were to describe it I would say that shame tries to be invisible...
like isolated, shrinking, quiet, fear-filled.
I think pride is a similar defense mode, but one that is boisterous and bullying...
it tries to out-do others so that they are left speechless and therefore will not counter...
or question.
I think they are each equal, but opposite, expressions of the same phenomenon. Both want to avoid revealing too much.

It makes me think of eating disorders...
anorexics stop eating- trying to fade away...
total control.
Binge eating/obesity is trying to hide behind many excess pounds of fat.

The puppy is very sweet, but he is demanding some play time...
I've got to go or I'll be eating alive by him.

I'm back...I ran him outside for about 20 minutes...
so a little peaceful time now.

So the youngest graduated...
it is official. I was truly not sure how it was going to turn out. He was so anxious towards the end that he made some crappy decisions.
Saturday night he called me asking me to come get him. He wasn't sure where he was.He had taken a substance that made him hallucinate and then drove. It turned out he was about an hour east of us. He has some powerful guardian angels surrounding him. I was terrified. He was full of remorse. He is not able to explain why he took something and then drove. I'm not sure if he is unwilling or unable.
I am afraid that I will lose this kid...
he tests life and mortality too often.
I am afraid for him...
but cannot imprison him. He has to live life on his terms. All I can do is advise and pray.
Holding him in the Light...a full time job.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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