Sunday, June 18, 2017

dreams re-examined


I am intrigued by your dreams...

The little girl in the first dream is most likely a part of you that you have now re-connected with. She adds to the tar-baby from previous dreams. You are gathering your lost parts...
a re-integration of your life.
I have heard of several traditions from world groups that those who die re-visit all of their homes on the way to the after-life to gather the parts of themselves they had left behind. You, are doing it in the living form-through dreams. I think that your journey is one of integrity and soul-building...
enlightenment perhaps.

The dream about the Finns is fascinating because of all of the non-used houses....
perhaps those are the lives of our ancestors...
perhaps they left behind empty, good looking shells to fill their place until they passed...
perhaps our ancestral trauma goes so far back that we inherit the empty houses.
I am the queen of making it all look good on the outside, despite being miserable inside.
I think we all wear plastic faces to hide our true self...our emptiness.
The other interesting detail is the trees that stand on the one side of the field. Spirits live within the trees. Perhaps those trees symbolize our guardians...
perhaps the ancestors who have passed and are watching over the living. Until we can re-integrate back into our bodies.

Message received in dream - must write a specific book.  I messaged back - if I have the time and money...I will write the book. 
You should make time to write a book- if you get a clear message then say yes...please.

The third dream- about the journey/ride through the ancestors is amazing.
You know more about the family than anyone...
of course you would be able to make that journey within a dream.
Perhaps this is the beginning of the book.
Perhaps it is a reflection of the generations of violence that has led us to the present world.
A world of extremism...
of 'us versus them' mentality with the kick of automatic weapons...
and the possibility of instant shame- gone viral...
a world of immediate connectedness that fails to make true human connections...
a world where families don't even begin together...
a world where we don't listen to our elders- we put them away in a convenient space.
a world where religion makes excuses for excluding the other...
or killing the other...
the world of profit at all costs...
self-centered, greedy, sloth-y...
a dying species on a dying planet...
with a long history of trauma that is not acknowledged.

It is also a world that has nurtured and taught us well...
the earth itself is trying to support life to her very last breath.
A beautiful mother.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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