Thursday, June 22, 2017

excited by the possibility


I am coming to the end of my busiest month at this job yet. I have worked my ass off...
and ranted and raved because my boss and board took vacations and failed to physically help.
I lost it.
I lost it because the executive board forgot to show up at a meeting that I spent time preparing for...
time that should have been spent on this big project...
I felt invisible...
unworthy of their attention...
I refuse to be invisible.
I don't demand attention or kudos...
but I will be damned if I bust ass and no one else does.

I definitely need a little time off. I am working alone tomorrow...
that's almost time off...
and Monday I am working from home...
again, almost time off.
And then I hope my grant proposal for the pilot is written and I can get back to life (professional) as I have come to know it.

I think...
I hope that this inclusive classroom for pregnant and parenting teens becomes a reality. The one piece that is missing is a 'Clare'.
I need an educated, seasoned mom, who knows how to breastfeed, practices attachment parenting, who will work on the classroom 3 days a week for 6 hours each day. You are the model for that position...I wonder if I can find someone like you. If not, you could move down for 5.5 months and be my classroom facilitator! I'll give you free room and board.

The best part of this process is that during each interview that I do about the classroom the people at first glaze over...
another breastfeeding initiative...
and then we start talking about attachment, mirroring, neurodevelopment, potentials...
and the others get excited too.
They talk about breaking the cycle.
They are beginning to 'get it'.
I really want to emphasize how detrimental it is to separate moms and babies from a young age.
That is the message that is coming through these interviews.
today I spoke with 5 moms...
or moms to be...
3 out of the 5 said they would sign up for this classroom for several reasons...
the ability to stay with their babies...
and have support of a school.
I am very excited.

My youngest is at the beach. I have several quiet days at home. Next week we are puppy-sitting for our oldest's dog. That should be a lively week. God bless the poor cats!

I wonder about walking back through the swamp...
or pus...
I thought the clean source was the goal...
clean water source and the fertility of the swamp.
"Just keep swimming".

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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