Sunday, September 17, 2017

dream stuff...

Hi Maggie,

Feels like we are getting back into the swing...

I went to our Fall Gathering yesterday.  I have been a Friend for 30 years now, and I am amazed by knowing these people.  Two Friends were laughing with me yesterday --- "Do you remember the time...?"

I do. I do remember.  I do have shared history with these people.

I had dreams last night - an active night.  But I can't remember much.

One though...I stepped out of my back door, it was dusky...or maybe dawny...and the chicken house door was partially open. My chickens were gone.  I started to listen for them, but didn't hear anything.

Later last night I was at a long table, with family, I believe.  Mom was at the head of the table serving cake.  She served the left side.  I was at her right.  She handed me a piece and I tasted it, so she sat down to have hers. My youngest son, a few seats up from me, quietly leaned back, caught my eye, and made an expression that clearly said, "Really?" And I realized that my side was waiting, and now quietly watching the others eat cake.

I wondered why Mom forgot them, and then had the thought - it was my fault.  I stopped passing.

I woke up just after my son caught me eye.  I tried to get back into the dream and get cake to everyone. I think I ended up cutting my piece into smaller pieces and sharing with that side of the table.

I think there is a message her, about sharing, about being aware of who I am connected to.

There was a third dream, but it is not moving into my awareness.  I will have to wait and see if there is a trigger today.

I reread all of my notes from this summer, at the spiritualist camp.  There are two things I promised to do in September....resume writing and working on a legal issue I have been avoiding.

But, my friend and I have volunteered to cook for a small folk festival next weekend...So, sorry Commitments, I have to honor this first. It is partly social life expansion, partly a good excuse to procrastinate!!


Love and hugs from Clare

So, if I get into a receiving position, I will remain aware of my line...of passing it down the line.

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