Sunday, July 16, 2017

all in all...progress


I am having a rather lazy weekend at home. No really lazy...
I've mowed and replanted a few plants...
but I'm not running around like my usual crazy person self.

Work is good. I've got a full plate.
Meeting is quiet for the summer.
We are getting ready to travel with our youngest to AZ for his orientation this week. We are making a mini-vacation out of it. A day trip to the Grand Canyon on Saturday is planned.
I've never seen it...
and I really want to.
Our older is keeping the dog for us. A friend is house-sitting and caring for the cats.
It is complicated to have some freedoms.

I am driving back out the in mid-August with all of his stuff for the drop-off. I've also wanted to do a cross-country road trip...
this is almost cross-country.
Son #2 and I are driving out together...
husband is flying out to meet us at the end of the week...
and then husband and I are driving back home...
visiting sites along the way.
we are spending more time in Santa Fe and Nashville along the trip back, but also staying at a cabin along the skyline drive in VA...
it should be a great trip.

I see my psychic/reiki healer tomorrow. I am interested to see if she has nay insight on Papa's passing to the other side. I have not seen her at all this year...
a lot has happened.
I'd love to ask what lessons he was tasked with teaching me...
and did I learn those lessons.
I need some flow, especially in my ankle.

I started PT this week. The PT told me my ankle and foot joints are "frozen" from being immobilized for 8 weeks.  I have had 2 treatments and feel so much better. My stability is better. I am able to walk more 'normally'- less limping to protect the stiff, sore joints. I still have significant swelling, but it is better. I still have pain by the evening, but not much through the day.
All in all...progress.

I hope that you are still flowing...
I hope to do more of that once my youngest is safely deposited at school.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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