Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Canal- birth or death?

I once began the process of costuming a modern play…
It was very strange and I never really "got it".
People around me told me it was brilliant, but I never understood it…
I felt inadequate…
but did the job that I contracted to do.
One the first dress rehearsal the writer came to watch…
he didn't like my work…
and told the director to tell me to change a large majority of the costumes…
with 3days to go until opening.
I refused.
No one ever asked my opinion or my inspiration for making the choices I had made.
I was just told to change…
so, I respectfully resigned from the project.
Anyway- there was a whole being dug deep into the earth in this show…
I could never quite understand if it meant birth or death…
holes or canals generally mean birth or death…
I wonder what your means.

I have been incredibly calm through this past few days. I spoke with a friend earlier today and told her that I really have a sensation of being surrounded and supported by loving kindness. I have never felt this peace before. Thanks God for Quakers and my family and other friends. Even S#1 is talking despite his struggles. He isn't even sure why he's making such poor choices- he knows thy are going to have negative consequences.
At least he's talking and thinking.

I am getting sleepy- I took 3 short walks outside today. I will check in tomorrow
Love and Light,

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