Thursday, October 17, 2013

Warts and all...

Welcome to the family Emily...warts and all. I am glad that she has a safe and loving place to live.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about my horses over the past few days. I rescue them and keep them not for what they can do for me, but because I can give them a safe, warm place to live and just be a horse. Some of the ladies at the barn wonder why I board horses that I only groom, why don't you ride them, or show them...because they've been shown, rodeoed, abused, starved...they are just companions now...loved for simply being a horse. I've read books that say that horses (and probably most animals) can detect emotional congruence in your actions match your internal status? They are most comfortable if you show your emotion rather than trying to put on a brave face or repress emotions. I am probably most honest with myself when I am in the barn with them. And they accept us if we show them truth and patience.

Today was another day of running. Despite the lack of being still I feel more centered and less distracted. I had a massage on my upper back/shoulders today...I have one every 2 weeks because of chronic spasm...and the masseuse remarked that this is the best my back has been since she met me well over a year ago. I didn't tell her about the reiki because I wanted to see if she would notice a difference. I definitely have less pain. I feel as if I am really preparing for that swan dive...soon, very soon.

I have jury duty tomorrow. That should give me several hours of quiet time. Each time I have been called they let me sit for several hours and then send me home. They haven't ever interviewed me for consideration.

All for now.

Love and Light,

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