Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's still transition

I'm so glad you went today.  It's been lonely being the only strange one in the family all these years!

I think what she sees with the two layers on you is similar to what I always felt - like I have been hovering over my body, controlling it from without, as opposed to being within, being part of myself.

I had a strange impromptu moment the other night.  I was falling asleep, thinking about my health issues as I drifted off, and I suddenly addressed my body and said,  "I love you."  I shocked myself.  I have never felt that for this body - ever.  Even though I am grateful for my health and strength, I have never loved myself.

I think there are always many poetic ways to understand our processes.  I thought of the birthing analogy, because you are in transition.  When you give birth, and you hit that moment when you can't do any more, when it all seems too overwhelming - that's when you are almost done.  That is the transition from enduring to pushing...and if your body remembers, once things are ready, you can NOT avoid pushing.

Wonder when I will have to push..

Is Dad threatening or protecting?  Probably both.  He is as complex and lost as we are.  He has to have many different sides.  I really stopped and thought when I read the word protecting...I never felt protected.

Your throat chakra is blocked and in pain...then how do you sing?  Where does that come from?  What part of you has learned to communicate through melody and lyric?  Tell me your first thought before you analyze, please.

You have wood within...maybe you have dolls, too, stored away in your psyche, hiding from the Light.

Another crazy dream - I know they are dreams because they don't quite make sense although they are completely logical - while asleep.  Adult children I didn't know I had are coming home.  Apparently I have a tall son with golden curls who is older than my oldest.  He came home last night.  (I told my youngest and she pointed out that I am the mother - I know how many kids I have.) Then, back in the dream, I was all excited about someone's wedding.  I wanted her to have a Christmas wedding with a lot of candles.

Not sure what I am working on now...

Keep going to the healer...you definitely found your next step!

I love you,


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