Monday, October 14, 2013


It's like being in labor.  The only way through is to surrender to the process.  You are birthing a healthier you from the wounded self that has been protecting you for all of these years.  You have to sob and choke and feel it all.  It's the only way to come back to life - let the emotions win.  Open those chakras and let emotions flow freely.

Scary as hell, but you can do it.

And stepping forward and being vulnerable was a gift to your meeting.

It's are moving into transition!  Of course, the secret we discover along the way is that we will rebirth ourselves many times, and the process will be different each time - just as our experiences of delivering our babies was different each time.

If you need a midwife, I'm here.

I had a crazy, crazy dream last night -  I got up to work and everything had been changed, and I couldn't find my schedule and I was crying because I knew I was missing sessions.  Then my kids and grandkids and a huge number of people in their generation came streaming into my house, dressed very nicely.  I asked where they were going - to Milo's funeral.  I don't know Milo - and in waking life, there is no Milo in our greater circle.  But Milo died in a drinking driving accident.  While they were here, a buffalo broke through the living room window.  A friend said it was a cow, but I knew it was a buffalo.  Everyone left.  I started working by the window, I realized I was nude.  Then I needed someone to drive my old car.  A friend was driving, and the baby and I were sleeping in the backseat.  The guy was pulled over for being drunk and having half a bag of weed.  He said he had half of an aquarium.

So something wild is going on or being processed or something...And this week is an eclipse...weird things come to light during eclipses in my life.

Long day - love to you...


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