Thursday, January 9, 2014

Trust it

Don't rule out this crazy weather.  The temperature has been hitting extremes both high and low.  The air pressure changes, and we feel it with our bodies.  I think part of being authentic is remembering we are part of the Earth.  We are just another species who lives here in tandem with all the others.  We are just mammals, and a basic part of us is instinctual and aware.  And another event to consider is the solar flare that just erupted.  We may have northern lights tonight.  I have seen them a few times, and it is always magical.  I think something in us senses that also.  (I went outside to check conditions.  It is crisp and cold and clear...except on the northern horizon which is shrouded in clouds.)

The baby has been off too.  She is touchy and wants to be held all of the time, very aware of where her mama is.  She has just gotten two new teeth, but this seems more.

But pay attention. Trust your intuition. Don't numb. (Easier said than done, and - why take advice from someone who doesn't listen to herself???)  I understand the call of the ice cream.  I completely understand.  My strength is in not buying it, because once it is in the house, I am in its grips!!

I'm still thinking about the pain of being ignored.  Thinking about the damage that occurs if we have been ignored.  It seems to fit in with the other types of abuse that lead to physiological changes.  I wonder if it can change back - be healed.  I recently read an article that said regular meditation can lead to healing of the DNA.

It's late, for me, and I need to finish up my day.  The last thing I want to do is find a dream dictionary and see what driving as new car means.  I was driving a baby blue little hatchback almost singing - I'm driving!  Later I was walking with and talking to S#3.

Love and more,


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