Monday, January 13, 2014

Quick, glamorous check-in

Hey Little Sister-

I find I am not inspired without you.  I have a lot of respect for people who blog alone, and consistently have something to say.

I am still aware of my back and I'm moving like an old man.  We walked for about half of a mile today, and afterwards I felt great and moved easily.  But time in my chair froze it all back into pain.  After one night on the heating pad, the sharp pain was gone.  A second night should help.  I hope.

I saved a piece, someone else's blog to inspire me on a night like tonight.

I am entranced by the idea of a seductive problem.  I know it has to do with addiction and numbing, but seductive puts a whole new level of glamour on the drama.  It makes it cooler to escape into drama.  I know it's all about escape from feeling, of losing that level of awareness where things hurt, or are at least uncomfortable.

Did you get the note from S#5?  She's organizing an anniversary party for Mom and Dad in October.  I had a terrible reaction - "another get-together?"  Then I thought about the fact that she may be trying to create the family of her dreams.  Is it too late?  Is it ever too late?  I fear it will all be for show...but is show better than nothing?  Already, this much time in advance, I am thinking that I won't be able to make it.  It doesn't matter what time of the year it is, I simply can't afford to miss time at work...This is my reality.

I am hoping you and yours are all okay - happy, healthy, settled, and that the new things that are moving into your schedule are invigorating...

Sending love and kisses!!


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