Thursday, January 16, 2014

brilliance hidden amid the darkness


I am not sure that 3 jobs should be anyone's goal…
but they do complement each other to give me plenty of inspiration and expression.

I have my first clients tomorrow at the counseling center…
I am really looking forward to it. I am interested to see how well I can open myself to listening to stranger's issues…and still protect myself from getting pulled into the drama.
My Reiki healer taught me to do a 'cleansing' after each one to break and rope or cords that might tie me into another's circumstances. I think this will be good, because then I can allow myself to open without fear….Be vulnerable enough to connect.

Husband attended his uncle's funeral on Tuesday in the Mid-West. The most interesting part of the day, to me, was that the family brought along a basket filled with wooden carvings, all done by his uncle, and asked people to take one to remember him. Husband brought home a small deer in very simple form. It will be nice to see it and remember his uncle.

I have told my sons that there is a period of time where they will be fighting for independence…
and we will literally be fighting the battles.
I told them that I understand this, acknowledge that this is the process we are living through, and that we will all come out intact at the other end. I asked them to remember that, when all of this is finished we will still be family slit is important to maintain respect throughout. Basically, don;t say something that is going to offend another to the point that they don't forgive you. I understand all of this…can see it happening…and yet it is still stressful. I do know that if I failed to understand all of this I would be even more stressed and unhappy. So I am thankful for the insight.

I have been having vertigo over the past two days. I am wondering if I am getting sick- I don't feel like it- or if my recent Reiki threw me off balance. I will just take it easy and drink plenty of fluids, that will work either way.

I wonder what we carry inside…you're ideas are intriguing. But, in the past you've reminded me, there are good bits of memory too. Perhaps we need another round of sharing good memories. I liked the idea of brilliant piece of artwork hidden amid all of the darkness and fear. I think I will hold onto that.

Love and Light,

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