Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Brain freeze

Is the furnace fixed?  Did you all survive the night?  It was really cold here last night - lots of icy wind.  Did you get to visit your Reiki healer?  What happened?

This week I  am reading about poverty.  Apparently there are four steps out of poverty - for a culture.  Substinence lifestyle leads to commercial economy, building to an emerging market and then to a technology based economy.  I laid awake last night wondering why substinence lifestyle is so wrong.  It seems that if we can live with the land, in harmony with the land, the weather, each other, isn't that a better life than being owned by our television set.  Once we have infrastructure and possession we are trapped.  We can not stop, we can't leave the system.

I feel like I'm falling down on the co-blogger thing here.  I have writer's block.  Or maybe brain freeze...I'm not being profound or wise.  Oh well, we always seem to have down times, then suddenly one of us has a breakthrough.  So we're in the serenity period...unless this is the calm before the storm!!

Loving you!!


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