Sunday, March 17, 2013

sensitivity is allergy and asthma

When I first had my youngest child and he was allergic to multiple foods and environmental items I was amazed...but not surprised. I didn't develop allergies until I was a teenager and his father doesn't have any. This child was also very reactive to his environment emotionally....he had incredibly angry outbursts...he had night terrors...but he could be overjoyed and full of love as well. I came to realize that he was highly sensitive to everything...he even sunburns too easily.

When you suggest a link between the allergies, asthma and sensitivity I think you are on to something. One of the implications of my research is not only will allergies be one of the outcomes, but also other low cortisol conditions like asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis...I plan to look for all of those on the next research project.

I also do believe that low levels of resilience do have alot to do with outcomes. Those who are highly resilient can separate themselves from the experiences and judgements of others...but those with low levels of support and self-esteem are more vulnerable. I can see both of those forces affecting S#3 but don't see the connection to B#2...any insights?

I was inspired to do this research by the word 'hypervigilant'...people with PTSD are described as being hypervigilant and hyperaroused...reacting strongly to benign stimuli because of past trauma...that's what made me think that there may be a connection between abuse and allergy...a hypervigilance of the immune oversensitivity to the environment.

The idea that our siblings had that feeling of doom and impending death before with their allergy and asthma history and therefore were not as fearful of that sensation is thought provoking. Were they 'groomed' by their past medical experiences to live closer to that edge? Perhaps...maybe that's another study to be done.

I had a very quiet and peaceful experience at Meeting this morning. I haven't felt that centered in a long time. I didn't have any inspirations...but perhaps that was a blessing...
when I do experience inspiration
I stop meditating and then contemplate and then evaluate and finally ruminate...
so it is too cerebral to center...
does that make sense??

I was speaking with a friend today who asked about my family...I realized that I don't even know where B#2 is living these days...I see no mention of him on any one's Facebook...Do you know where he is and if he is all right?

So when are we looking at 'playing' at your house? I am considering a board review course in May and I want to make sure it won't conflict.

I love you.

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