Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I'm Back!

Hey Little Sister,

This may be our worst month ever! As far as posting...

I had a friend visit for three weeks.  As soon as I was done with work, he was ready to go somewhere, do something.  I got nothing done.

But I got a glimpse of being American.

My friend is European, and one day we went to the park by the lake. As an American, I am prepared to go to the park for an hour or so, then cross that task off the list, and get ready for the rest of what I have to do.

We stayed at the park for five or six hours. We talked.  We waded. We ate mangoes.  It took me three or four hours to let go of my list and relax and really look at the lake.

It is hard work hostessing, but it was a lot of fun.

Lots of insight that will probably pop in here as I process.

I have a friend who has beaten cancer twice. It is back for the third round, and it seems like it will win this time. She can take meds for as long as she can tolerate them, and live for maybe a year. Or she can enjoy the next four to six months.

What a choice.  How do you want to die?  It is a bit like our sister-in-law.

I feel stripped by loss.  How do we bear the pain of losing one more person. It is hard...

I didn't write at all while my guest was here.  But I had a breakthrough about the way to organize the book. Unfortunately I don't remember exactly what my bright idea was.

But it is in my brain somewhere!

Waiting for you to get home from the wild, wild west!!

Love and hugs from Clare

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