Sunday, December 14, 2014


Hello Li'l Sister,

How was your day? I thought today was just for me. I planned to clean, to take a walk.  Instead I went to breakfast with my youngest, her beloved and his family. Nice people. I came home and cleaned. Then a friend came over and we made Christmas cookies and talked...a lot. She was my Light for the day!  It felt good.  Then my older neighbor called, as she does almost every evening.  We all need contact and connection.  It spritzed and sprinkled all day, so no walk.

I am still up in the air about Christmas.  Not quite getting the spirit, but not yet ruling it out.

Yesterday, I had so much to say, but no time. Today I am looking at the keyboard, trying to remember.

Yeah, I had a memory.  I wanted to throw it out at you, although I think you were too young.  When I was 8, so you were  2 or 3, we moved to the central part of the state.  We lived on a busy road that went through the center of town. We lived in a long, narrow house, with only a sidewalk between our house and the next house. It my memory I could touch both with outstretched arms. In reality, I probably had to lean way far to each side to make contact - but the houses were very close.

On one side was our landlord.  We got our black lab from him - an accidental breeding.  The other side was a much older couple - Walt and Mable.  We each had a long narrow back yard, back to an alley, with a garage at the back of the yard, a buffer between play space and alley.  Walt had a workshop in his garage.  He would invite us in sometimes.  I remember being there a few times. I don't know if the boys went often.  But for some reason this all came to mind, because the walls of his workshop were covered with Playboy pin-ups. 

I know that a fondness for Playboy doesn't necessarily mean anything, and I remember being vaguely confused...but I wondered if someone like him could have abused any of us...I don't remember being especially close to them...but I did try to search for them, using the address - which I actually remember.  I was wondering if I would find anything about them.  I don't know if records were well kept then...I feel old writing that.  I also think I just remembered a last name. I will do a quick search before bed.

Wild geese? Maybe...but why did that man come to mind?

Love and hugs and more,


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