Sunday, December 28, 2014

Letting go of expectations...


It's now the 4th day of Christmas and my house is quiet.
It wasn't always so though.
My boys are getting cabin fever…
they want to run and be with their friends.
My girls have a bit more freedom and are taking advantage of it.
I had to sit with my youngest while he finished his school work that is due at mid-night tonight…
he wanted to go out with friends for the day. Interestingly enough he was sick and could not attend yesterday's gathering, or do any school work…but today he is ready to fly.

Yesterday's gathering was genuinely fun. Husband remarked that it felt as if everyone who attended really wanted to be there. There was no grumbling about having to be there and be nice…
or places they'd rather be…
to things they'd rather be doing…
or people they'd rather be with.
B#1 arrived about the time that S#3 had to leave.
SO we took the pictures you've seen…
did the gift exchange…
and she packed up her car with grandchildren and left.
She was stressed…
she was uncharacteristically short with her grandson…
and remarked it was a difficult time.
I think I will invite her to dinner to talk.
I had a real conversation with B#1…
we talked about our sons and their reluctance to grow up.
It wasn't about "bashing" them…
it was about trying to understand and support them.
There was a moment when we made eye contact that was really nice and comfortable.
I felt connected and heard.
It was surprising coming from him…
in a good way.
Grampy was in a fantastic mood.
He was asking my oldest if she was going to leave before her university's bowl game started and she replied, "No Grampy. I like you more than my university".
I stopped and paid attention…
you should have seen him soften…
he visibly changed and became more light-hearted.
He laughed throughout the day.
He seemed genuinely interested in her and their conversation. They even posed for a picture during the afternoon. It was good to see.
Daughter#2 was engaged in multiple conversations throughout the day. On the way home she remarked, pleasantly, "No one asked me if I have a back-up plan for next year". That made her feel valued and appreciated as an actress.
B#4 was there and was his lighthearted self- as usual. It is always good to see him.

So, I let go of my expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for that insight.
I was talking with a friend after Meeting this morning about that idea…let go of the expectations and stay open to surprises. She was recounting some of her family holiday celebration and had a similar experience. It is nice when others are in synch with our experiences…somehow it makes a stronger impression.

I wish you could have attended yesterday. I know it is too far to travel for a few hours…but you would have added so much to the gathering. S#3 and 5 and I were talking about a long weekend in March on Bald Head. Please look at your calendar and see if you could be a part of that gathering. I've asked S#4 to look at her calendar also. It would be great to have all 5 of us together in that space. Please try.

That's about all I have today.
Love and Light until tomorrow beautiful sister,

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