Tuesday, December 30, 2014

In this country too


Yes, 5 Golden Rings…
Perhaps it does have to do with the chakras…
interesting to think about.

It is overwhelmingly troublesome to think of the exploitation of women and children…
exploitation of the vulnerable.
It makes my heart sad to imagine seeing anyone as being less than…
and deserving of cruelty.
But, it happens all the time.
I had a conversation with a man today who is hoping his girlfriend's daughter will move in with a new boyfriend because she is an addict.
I can understand his frustration.
I can understand wanting to distance himself from the addiction…
but this woman has been reduced to a problem- addiction- to be solved- pushing her onto someone else.
God knows what kind of man the new boyfriend is…
it doesn't really matter to this man, as long as he is free of the woman in his life.
We throw women and children away in this country too…
it's not just in the orient.

My kids had a blow- up last evening.
My oldest and youngest verbally abused each other.
You could see it coming…
they've been frustrated with each other since the oldest came home from school.
They said things that should not be said…
and now must find a way to reconnect and apologize.
I wasn't present for the battle…
but heard the aftermath.
I wanted to run away while they were complaining about the other.
I wanted a new life.
I wanted them to see how precious each of them are.
Perhaps we have spent too many days together.
Perhaps it is time for my daughters to return to their school lives…
but I am not ready for them to leave…
I love their presence.
I am really not sure I'm doing this right.
There's got to be a more effective way to handle the closeness of the holidays.

I am tired today.
I feel as if I am wandering aimlessly…
without direction right now.
I'm trying to let go expectations…
to let life happen…
to appreciate what comes my way.
But I'm not good at surrender.

I hope that you had a wonderful time watching the baby sleep…
there's nothing more relaxing.
I hope it brought you peace, at least temporarily.

Love and Light until tomorrow beautiful sister,

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