Sunday, November 4, 2012


Yeah, we're coming up on a pair of eclipses.  Something weird, some sort of breakthrough always seems to happen to me.  And I seem to be getting more and more sensitive to it. Maybe you are sensing the same thing... Just had a grandkid sleepover.  My daughter-in-law is so much more generous than I was.  I never wanted kids to stay overnight with grandparents.  I wonder if I was selfish or untrusting.

I just had a thought --- maybe your center is shifting.  Maybe that is why you are unsettled and unable to find it.  But that would be a good thing.  Maybe this is just psychological growing pains.

My two and a half year old grandson went to the doctor this week - having a hard time getting past some congestion and coughing.  The doctor asked him what was wrong and he said, "My leg broke."  He has been getting a lot of laughs with the line, so it has become a favorite.  But his mom wondered why he said that.  My observation was that he may be growing.  When the bone elongates quickly, the joints shift and stretch and hurt.

You have been stretching.  Your compassion and passion are both amazing.  Maybe you've just extended past your center and are now, more...flexible, knowing, feeling.  Maybe it's time to recenter.

I should do the same.  I looked in the mirror this week and didn't quite recognize the face looking at me.  I didn't see a family resemblance either...Not sure who it was!

I know why I can be over-responsible and unable to relax and let go and have fun.  All the descriptions of the oldest child describe me beautifully.  I am not sure why you also developed different facets of the same role.  I see you being very responsible, and I see it in our youngest sib - again, with a different face.

In your dream, you were saving face.  And the dream was asking you what face you choose to share with the world.  And because we do pull on our role, we do deprive everyone else of a lot of fun, a lot of wisdom, a lot of wisdom, a lot of laughter.  So, are you ready to let down your hair, so to speak, and wear a shirt that announces,  "Not perfect!"?

The other thing that leaps out at me ... you can claim ignorance rather than join in.  Is this something you see in yourself?  I know I kind of do that - 

I'm still fighting a sore throat/cold bug, so I am going to go to bed earlyish.

Smile Sister!


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