Saturday, November 24, 2012

catching up from the holidays

I have been trying to enjoy the company of my family...
which I do with each individually...
once they are together they vie for attention...
and criticize each other...
the oldest is especially rough on the youngest..
and he quietly takes it...
all the while taking it to heart...
I want him to see her misguided advice is really a way to help him...
even though she can be brutal at times.
The dynamic is universal I believe...
we all have a place...
and damn it the family will keep you in that place.
I try to show the kids that the younger ones are really not different than they were at a similar age and they have grown and matured in a wonderful way...
support...that's what families do for each other.
The video wasn't meant to make anyone feel left out...
I actually asked daughter #2 to choose the pictures. I spent 2 hours on the road home wednesday evening and had the idea of a musical greeting...then I put it into her hands.
The past is past...let's not isolate anymore.

I have spent two, long days writing my personal understanding of disease and effective interventions...
I have had to try to condense my thoughts and make them flow in a meaningful way...
It isn't due for 2 weeks so hopefully I will be able to continue my edits.

My insight, unsolicited of course, is that your youngest daughter never really wanted to attend college...everytime she got close she created a drama that postponed her applying or starting.
I see the same dynamic with S#3's son, who says he wants an education and decent job, but never really materializes one.
Perhaps they need to have time and space to explore.
Perhaps your oldest is now mature enough to understand the value of education and will be internally motivated.
I am wondering if my son#1 will be ready for higher education when he is finished with highschool...
he is smart...
but lacks that internal drive and has no goals yet...
it will be interesting to see what happens.

I am curious if your new levels of insight had any impact on your interactions with your ex? You don't have to answer...just curious.
How was your wine and dine weekend with the ladies?

I love you...

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