Sunday, October 8, 2017


And the disconnect is in the red chakra.  Nothing new.  I'm not seeing anything new at all.  But I feel like I found the wound and I'm circling it and poking it.  I'm seeing everything from a different perspective.

In the middle of the night, I was thinking about 3's and reds.  Like eating wood sorrel - remember the sour grass we ate as kids?  And eating I need an excuse for that!

As I was thinking, I got the words, fix the vessel.  I have the idea that the breach of my energy system, the shattering of my chakras, and the actual disconnection, have led to unhealth, to carrying extra weight, to addictive patterns, to feeling like I have no control in life, or for other people - having that feeling that life is only safe when we control everything.

Fix the the abuse led to my unhealthy body, but having a healthy body is part of what will lead to reconnecting the broken parts. Like maybe we have to reverse the pattern.

I guess it's part of walking back through the swamp.

So...I have been upping some of the herbs I take, and taking cod liver oil and some vitamins. And my body is becoming more sensitive. At first I thought I was getting sick, but now I think I am healing.  And my body is saying no to the foods that cause the unhealthy conditions.

So that is my morning...

Love and hugs from Clare

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