Monday, January 4, 2016


Hi Maggie,

Daniel Quinn is a favorite. I read Ishmael years ago, and have read it at least twice.  I have another of his books here I will share with you. I need to send your Christmas gift which has now become a birthday gift, which will be late. We are having white out conditions on slippery roads. Nothing got done today.

The book I'll share is The Story of B,  and B is the blasphemer. 

I will sort of undecorate later this week. It's only the Tenth Day of Christmas.  We are still supposed to be celebrating.

It is cold. I know it was colder for longer last year. I know. But I still don't like this.  I look forward to global warming.  I was thinking about how much less heat we will need, which will be a great saving of resources. Now we just have to train people to stop turning the air  conditioning so low in the summer. I hate going into the grocery store in July. I need a sweater to go inside.  Then, some days, when I walk back out, I walk into a wall of heat. It is awful.

I know I've mentioned this before, but Earth is a tropical planet in her natural state. When she returns to her natural state, we'll be able to just more heating and cooling. We can just live - and maybe garden year round.  And get used to green Christmas - if there is even a Christmas.

I just watched a short video of a very emotional, older Korean woman trying to ask a government official why he accepted reparation and apologies from Japan on her behalf without talking to her or any of the other women who were forced into sexual slavery to service Japanese soldiers during the war.  She reminded him that these women, she and her fellow slaves, were all still here, ready to be witnesses to what happened.  He was trying to get her to sit down and listen, but he was not listening.He was just smiling and waiting for an opening so he could get her to sit.

She was just a women, another hunk of meat to be used as needed.

She asked if he ignored her because she was a woman? Because she was old? Because she was not educated?

I felt sick. I felt sick for these women, and for this system that makes men feel they deserve anything they want to rape...then not think of themselves as rapists.  They think of themselves as men, although they have just betrayed their own humanity, and are truly less than men.

More mental illness, I think...

Something for me to think on...

Read another article also, discussing the huge amount of sexual abuse that happens in military families..

More to think on...

Love and hugs from Clare

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