Monday, January 25, 2016


Hi Maggie,

Are you still digging out? I hope the snow is still as lovely and silent and impressive today.  It is still...not quite winter here.  Every week we have very cold temps, as well as temps above freezing. Sort of reminds me of chills and a fever.

I have still been working with Love, Light and Healing...kind of like the Three Sisters.  There must be something innate for us to understand trinities...

But Love, I was thinking in the middle of the night that Love is like pudding - smooth and sweet.  But I don't like pudding, and so it became chocolate mousse, or maybe a homemade truffle...thicker and richer...more substantive.  I was thinking about Love and how much I love the Earth.  I was wondering why so many of us don't recognize her aliveness.

All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with the insight that our species is sick, and it seemed like a form of insanity.  I was speechless and could not think. I wondered if it was all of us, or the most visible of us...

A friend gave me a very long article to read. I read the beginning, and have been digesting it. Basically, the premise is that inflammation is a potent response of the immune system to a threat.  If it continues for too long, though, it becomes a threat.  In way-past times, if there was danger, imminent attack by a wild animal, perhaps, the immune system pre-responded, often with generalized inflammation.  The same thing happens now when we are in a traumatic situation...Children raised in abuse have chronic inflammation, which can be seen as allergies, asthma, obesity...sound familiar?

It goes on to say that when we have generalized inflammation, we feel tired, out of it, subdued, like we need to we're getting sick. But these are the feelings associated with depression, and depression seems to have a physical "cause" - inflammation...Again, the body and soul are connected in real ways.  These are ways that can be scientifically followed.

The article is long and deep, and it will take me awhile to get through it, but it is fascinating.

I was thinking about inflammation.  I was thinking about our need to control by having too much. We fear there is not enough, and so we pack our lives with too much. Is this a symptom of the crazy of our species?  And if we are one species, shouldn't we feel connection to the others of our species?  Then how can we gorge when we know there are hungry children?

I'm not quite clear on what I am thinking, but this is what is rolling around in my brain these days...

I am tired...

Love and hugs from Clare

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