Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Hi Maggie,

Mine were all cow's-milk intolerant, also. I could not have any dairy products while nursing.  I remember calling and ordering a pizza with no cheese, lots of veggies, once.  They thought it was a joke.  When I counseled breastfeeding moms, we had a lot of allergies, and often, no one was ever able to identify the culprit.  It happened a lot.

And I so think you are right.  This generation is different. Mine seemed different, but the grandchildren - I can see it. I can see a different kind of intelligence. I can see a compatibility, innate ability, with technology.  They just know.

You asked an extremely powerful question.  How do we allow for prolonged attachment as well as the freedom to develop a career?  I have no power, but a few answers popped into my head.

But we have to change society...which is so doable.

I think we need a law stating that men and women with equal education and experience in same level positions must make the same amount of money.  The same should be true between races, but that's a whole 'nother train of thought.  Then, women should be given long, paid maternity leave, but men should be forced to take the exact same amount of time off - mandatory and equal parental leaves. I am led to believe that women are not promotable because they are going to take time off to have babies, they are going to take time off if kids are sick.  We have this cultural belief that women will provide home and stability that will provide the freedom for a man to build his career.  Let's equalize that.  My son and his wife alternate days off when kids are sick.  Let that be mandatory, too.

I always hated the brush-off I got from intelligent, well-educated people when I said I was a mom.  Parenting has such low status attached to us.  What happened?  How did raising our next generation become menial and worthless?

I don't think you are building a career now. I think you are a perfect example of a renaissance woman on the way to the next big adventure. You can do anything, and, a lot of it you have. Just because some of it was not paid does not mean it was not real and valid.  It really insults me that the only experiences that have any value are the ones we were paid for.

Sort of loops back to my issues of money and worthiness.

I think your youngest is just one of a kind - sensitive, intelligent, still in touch with past life experiences.  He's a challenge, especially to himself, and he is your gift!

Tired...still reading Brene before bed. Really asking myself about curiosity.  I am a very curious person. But I have not been curious enough about my emotions. Time for courage, and something emotional to happen!!

Love and hugs from Clare

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