Saturday, January 2, 2016


Hi Maggie,

I love the deep, deep wisdom in recognizing that the answer is simple, but not easy.  It always comes back down, to me, to taking that step through fear.  That seems to be the essence of trust. Walking up to that palpable, but invisible, wall of fear, then stepping through it.

You are also absolutely correct that trust goes both ways.  Understanding that is absolutely loving and accepting... 

It's sort of hitting me that trust and love are connected. (I mean, I knew that, but it seems that I am seeing the connection from a different perspective.)  Maybe love is the outward symptom of inward trust...maybe.  And both are the opposite of fear. Kind of crazy to think about it like this.

I honor your husband for considering this so carefully.  Taking responsibility for two more kids, kids who have been hurt - that's big.  But it's doable.

And maybe this will melt him a little, let him enjoy a life run amuck...or more deeply - it will get him out of his fifth chakra, where we only feel safe is we are in control.  And get into the sixth chakra, the green chakra, where we float down the river of life in faith that we are fine.

I am wandering around the house looking for chocolate.  Unfortunately, when I went to the store, I bought kale. And Swiss chard. And a rutabaga. 

Writing this morning, and my youngest called and asked if I wanted to go have lunch with her. Yes!  But the writing was actually going well.  Two days ago I opened the document, and stared at it.  Then finally I ordered myself to write just one sentence.  Good grief, it can be changed later.  Then I went to bed, and in the dark, I knew what to do next.

I like that!!

Do you have resolutions?

Love and hugs from Clare

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