Friday, January 9, 2015

Stuck in a rut


I'm in limbo…
am I supposed to relax and learn the lessons…
or push into the next step with all of my energy?
I am stuck in a rut.

I feel as if this may be a rest stop…
but I don't rest well.

I am giving myself until June to be at the next step.
I am going to let 6 months show me the path.
I may be very uneasy along the way…
but I want to find the right, next step.
I've applied for 2 executive directors' positions at nonprofits…
one supports women who have been imprisoned and their families.
I'm not sure that they will take my application seriously because of my lack of  experience with that population, but I have had leadings to work with prisoners. So maybe...

The insights into violence that you've been sharing have been thought provoking.
We are in a culture of rape that will persist until women stand up and say No More.
I went to a board meeting last evening and was excited to hear that we are reaching out to coaches in the area to talk with their players about respect and nonviolence. I think that prevention is the key. We've been supporting victims for over 30 years and we maintain a steady stream of victims. But, if we teach young men that violence is not OK we can put ourselves out of business. Isn't that the goal of these service non-profits…to eventually solve the problem and make themselves unnecessary.

I am not enjoying this arctic blast. It is hard to do anything outside. I strained a ligament in my heel on Monday. Between that and the cold I haven't walked all week. It makes me feel sluggish and slow when I don't exercise.

We are hosting a young woman from Ukraine this weekend. She is a friend of my youngest, they met at the boarding school he was attending. She is beautiful and smart. I think he's enamored. They are going to the mountain tomorrow to snowboard. Her mother wrote me an email explaining that she has all the necessary clothing because they were skiing in France over the Christmas Holiday. I'm so jealous…I wouldn't ski in France, but I'd love to hang out in the ski lodge. This should be a fun weekend.

I will check back in with you tomorrow.
Love and Light my beautiful sister,

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